About MitoMetabLab
MitoMetabLab is an academic mitochondrial biology research laboratory at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Directed by a Tier II Canada Research Chair and supported by CIHR, the Canada Research Chairs Program, the Banting Research Foundation - Mitacs, and Canada Foundation for Innovation - John Evans Leaders Fund, we are focused on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Our mission is to determine how mitochondrial structure, function, and genetics contribute to physiology and pathology.
Latest News
November 20th, 2024
Conference season has arrived. Team MitoMetabLab heads to Savannah, GA to attend the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine Annual Meeting, and it's going to be busy! TMED PhD student Mia will present a poster showcasing our ongoing investigation into white adipose tissue genetic heterogeneity, and has been elected to Trainee Council! TMED MSc graduate Abhishek was selected for a plenary podium presentation of our mteabolomic fingerprinting project, and will also present a featured poster where he will introduce Confidence, our new transcriptomic analysis platform to the SfRBM community. TMED MSc student Dalia will be making her international conference debut, presenting a poster highlighting our longitudinal cardiometabolic disease study. Dr. Dunham-Snary continues to serve on Council and will be presenting the inaugural Trailblazer Award on behalf of the Women in Science Committee before transferring to a new role as Assistant VP - Branding & Advocacy, and Chair of Strategic Alliances & Outreach.
October 31st, 2024
Team MitoMetabLab wishes to congratulate TMED PhD student Mia Wilkinson on advancing to the national competition for the Vanier Fellowship for the second year in a row. We will all cross our fingers for her!
September 12th, 2024
DEFENSE ALERT! MitoMetabLab is thrilled to share that TMED MSc student Abhishek Shastry has successfully defended his Master's thesis! We look forward to celebrating his convocation in November and immortalizing Abhi has the first-ever MSc graduate! Way to go, Abhi!
September 3rd, 2024
A new fall term is upon us - new undergraduate researchers are commencing classes and orientation in the lab. Team MitoMetabLab welcomes HSCI student Kiana and PATH student Jamie to the team. HSCI student Jayne picks up in 4th year where her 3rd year project left off. Discovery alumna Michelle is starting her MSc in Experimental Medicine, and HSCI alumnus Thomas joins the team pursuing his TMED MSc. Best wishes to all Queen's students for a successful, productive term.
June 19th, 2024
It is convocation season at Queen's! Team MitoMetabLab will bid farewell to a few familiar faces this spring, as they set sail on the next phase of their academic journey. The team wishes to congratulate Raymond (McMaster - Medicine), Frances (U of T - physiology), and Naomi (Waterloo - Biomedical Engineering; winner of 2024 Life Sciences Gold Medal!), and our first Discovery Research Team - Team MetaGene! Two members of Team MetaGene will continue in MitoMetabLab for further undergraduate and graduate studies.
May 23rd, 2024
FUNDING AWARD ALERT! Team MitoMetabLab is excited to share that TMED PhD student Mia Wilkinson is the recipient of the 2024-2025 PhD Ontario Graduate Scholarship for the entire Translational Medicine program! Way to go Mia!
May 2nd, 2024
AWARD ALERT! Please join Team MitoMetabLab in congratulating TMED PhD student Mia Wilkinson on receiving the inaugural Translational Institute of Medicine Research Excellence Award for TMED! Mia presented her research in progress as a featured speaker at the annual Translational Medicine Awards Banquet. The team also sends heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Michael Rauh who received the Mentoring Excellence Award!
April 2nd, 2024
FUNDING ALERT! MitoMetabLab is excited to share another successful funding application! Dr. Dunham-Snary has partnered with Dr. Chris McGlory in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies for their successful New Frontiers Research Fund Exploration Grant examining fish oil supplementation in supporting skeletal muscle health in a bedrest model of insulin resistance. Team MitoMetabLab will be performing platelet bioenergetic studies, putting our biomarker assay to the test.
April 2nd, 2024
FUNDING ALERT! MitoMetabLab is excited to share another successful funding application! Dr. Dunham-Snary has partnered with Dr. Chris McGlory in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies for their successful New Frontiers Research Fund Exploration Grant examining fish oil supplementation in supporting skeletal muscle health in a bedrest model of insulin resistance. Team MitoMetabLab will be performing platelet bioenergetic studies, putting our biomarker assay to the test.
February 29th, 2024
Leap Day is always good for trivia night (when is it a leap year? when ISN'T it a leap year?), but Leap Day also marks the official Rare Disease Awareness Day. While held on the 28th in off-years, Rare Disease Awareness Day seeks to bring these very special patients into the light and generate support for everyone who is on a rare medical journey. While we are all trained to 'think horses' when we 'hear hoofbeats', today is the day to hug a zebra!
February 4th, 2024
A very brief Bon Voyage to TMED MSc student Abhishek as he sets off on a mini-adventure to Emory University in Atlanta, GA. Abhi will be visiting the Emory Clinical Biomarkers Laboratory and seeing first-hand how our first-ever metabolomic data are collected from previously-shipped samples. Can't wait to see the data and we hope Abhi enjoys all the tasty eats that ATL has to offer!
January 9th, 2024
Welcome back! Everyone has returned to campus after a pleasant holiday break. Dr. Dunham-Snary will be in the classroom this winter semester as both Co-ordinator and Instructor of the still very popular LISC 391 laboratory course. Graduate students are wrapping up course work, considering committee meetings, and many of our undergraduates are starting their LAST SEMESTER! Wishing everyone a productive, healthy term!
Dr. Dunham-Snary presents 'Mitochondrial-Nuclear Genetic Interaction in Health and Disease' as a keynote speaker at York University's 11th Muscle Health Awareness Day.
Queen's CardioPulmonary Unit (QCPU): established with funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation, QCPU is home to translational research in heart, lung, blood, and vascular diseases.