News Archive
December 22, 2023
Team MitoMetabLab will be taking a much-deserved rest for the winter holiday season. The lab will be closed in alignment with the holiday closure at Queen's. We hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday break and we'll see you in 2024!
December 1, 2023
BREAKING NEWS! MitoMetabLab officially has its first PhD student! TMED MSc student Mia Wilkinson delivered a stellar 'mini-Msc' defence this week and (pending some minor edits to her written submission) will officially start PhD studies in January 2024! In the meantime, join us in crossing our fingers (and toes!) as Mia also recently advanced to the national Vanier PhD Scholarship competition, after being selected as one of three Queen's trainees to advance.
November 15, 2023
Greetings from Uruguay! KDS and MSc student Mia Wilkinson are representing Team MitoMetabLab at the Annual SfRBM Conference in Punta del Este! Good food, good science, and great friends await - Mia is working on something big in addition to her excellent research poster (stay tuned for details!).
October 15, 2023
PUBLICATION ALERT! Team MitoMetabLab has had ANOTHER manuscript accepted for publication! TMED MSc student Abhishek Shastry shares his state-of-the-field review of metabolomics, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cardiometabolic diseases in Life Sciences. Congratulations Abhi!
September 5, 2023
Welcome back for Fall 2023 semester! MitoMetabLab is excited to welcome four new undergraduate scholars as well as participate in the inaugural year of Discovery Lab Science at Queen's University. In addition to 'traditional' honours thesis projects, Dr. Dunham-Snary will be co-leading a team of five undergraduates in a team-based larger-scale research project in the new Discovery Labs within the Department of Biomedical & Molecular Sciences.
July 20, 2023
MAJOR FUNDING ALERT! Team MitoMetabLab is excited to share that our FIRST CIHR Project Grant has been FUNDED in the SPR2023 Competition! We are grateful to our internal review committee for their guidance, our peer review colleagues at CIHR, and Dr. Dunham-Snary would like to recognize her stellar team of MSc and undergraduate students who 'dropped everything' to generate critical preliminary data for a quick turn-around. Stay tuned for upcoming postings for new opportunities to join Team MitoMetabLab!
June 27, 2023
PRESENTATION/AWARD ALERT! Team MitoMetabLab has continued to impress at Queen's Health Sciences Trainee Research Day - research assistant Jennifer Veeneman received a poster presentation award for her work with Dr. Jacob Rullo's lab investigating mitochondrial integrity in the mouse optic nerve. Congratulations Jennifer!
June 19, 2023
PUBLICATION ALERT! Team MitoMetabLab FIRST EVER manuscript has been accepted for publication! TMED MSc student Mia Wilkinson shares her state-of-the-field review of blood-based bioenergetics in Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism. While it is hopefully the first of many, we only get to celebrate our first-ever review article once! Three cheers for Mia!
April 28, 2023
FUNDING AWARD ALERT! Team MitoMetabLab is excited to share that TMED MSc student Abhishek Shastry is the recipient of the 2023-2024 Ontario Graduate Scholarship for the entire Translational Medicine program! Way to go Abhi!
April 14, 2023
Classes have ended! Congratulations to all students (faculty and staff too!) on the successful completion of another term! As we prepare for final exams, Team MitoMetabLab celebrated our graduates and the end of term with the 2nd Annual MitoMetabLab Graduation Celebration! Being our second such celebration, a new section of our lab website is going live soon! Check out our Celebrations page (under Team) - here we will photo-document our wins as a team, including graduations, conference travel, and, before we know it, graduate defenses!
March 15th, 2023
PRESENTATION ALERT! TMED MSc student Abhishek competed in Queen's 3-minute thesis (3-MT) competition today and gave a stellar presentation of his work! Abhi was (of course) our favourite presentation of the competition, but Team MitoMetabLab extends congratulations to the talented trainees who are moving on to the provincial competition, being held in Kingston, this May.
March 8, 2023
WE MADE IT! Team MitoMetabLab has submitted their Spring 2023 CIHR Project Grant! We will catch our breath for a day or so, and then, back to the bench!
February 20, 2023
Family Day in Ontario marks the start of Reading Week at Queen's. Travel safely and rest up for the sprint to the finish!
February 1st, 2023
Team MitoMetabLab received lots of feedback on their first ever CIHR Project Grant Submission. We will be working hard to re-submit for the Spring 2023 competition!
January 9th, 2023
Welcome back! Everyone has returned to campus after a pleasant holiday break. Dr. Dunham-Snary will be in the classroom this winter semester for a 6-lecture series on respiratory pathophysiology (PHGY 350) as well as the very popular vascular tone laboratory (LISC 391). Graduate students are wrapping up course work, considering committee meetings, and many of our undergraduates are starting their LAST SEMESTER! Wishing everyone a productive, healthy term!